Vacuum Lifters & Manual Handling Systems
Make your business safer, more productive and more efficient. DAB Technology offers a full suite of ergonomic handling technologies for manual work processes, helping to extend the capabilities of your organisation. The solutions consist of a vacuum lifter and compatible crane system, allowing easy movement of even the largest products and materials.
At DAB Technology, we want every business to be able to realise its full potential. That’s why we offer a range of diverse systems for use in every kind of operation. Regardless of the nature of your needs or the size of your budget, we’ll be able to connect you with a cutting-edge solution that helps you get the job done. Talk to one of our consultants today to find out how we could support you.
A global partner to some of the industry’s best
DAB Technology stands apart in a crowded marketplace through our strong and stable links to leading manufacturers and suppliers of industrial vacuum handling technology. Helping to move everything from drums to boxes, boards, panels, bales and pallets. When you’re looking for vacuum lifters, choose a name you can trust DAB Technology.
The smarter choice
With more than two decades of experience in the supply and servicing of vacuum lifters, our company has the expertise and the experienced needed to deliver exceptional results for your business. From repairs to documentation, training and product consultation, we offer a range of services that help you make the best possible use of your new system.
Contact us today to learn more on +65 6891 3286 or via email at